Saturday, March 31, 2007


Branch: any part or extension of a main body or system; specif. b) a division of a family descending from a common ancestor.

My branch consist of a mother and father; a son, a sister and a brother, 3 nephews, 2 nieces, 8 uncles, 3 aunts, and a host of cousins. Cousins are important branches of a family tree. They provide strength and endurance to the family tree. They are the ones that continue the traditions and keep the tree growing. I pray that we nurture our branches to preserve our original roots for many years to come.

Today I had to take out the camera to capture this wonderful southern spring moment. For those of you in the big city who can''t appreciate this moment-- don't hate, appreciate! Maybe you need to move back to your roots?

He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season. And its leaf does not wither; And whatever he does, he prospers.
Psalm 1:3

Here are a couple of my branches-- my son William, and nephew Yashar enjoying finding and capturing a caterpillar. I was cooking spaghetti at the time that Yashar walked into the house looking for a jar.

How perfect was that?

We decided to keep the caterpillar in the jar to see if we can watch it turn into a beautiful butterfly. Hopefully we will be successful and release a butterfly this spring. We've already gone online to do our research and we know what they eat.

We'll mostly do a little more research to build the perfect habitat for William's "Pet," as he calls it.

I'm not sure if William can keep his hands off of the caterpillar long enough to let it make a successful metamorphosis. But I guess we'll have to wait and see! That's a lot to ask of a 5 year old boy.

Friday, March 30, 2007


Root: the close ties one has with some place or people as through birth, upbringing, long and sympathetic association, ect.

This year is the Sims/McDaniel/Morris' 20th family reunion. I'm really excited because I plan to finally complete my heritage album. I've did my research and have found little nuggets about my ancestors, however, I don't have many pictures of them. In fact, I've don't even own a picture nor have I seen a picture of my paternal grandmother. Therein lies the problem-- how do one create a heritage album without pictures? This is where you all come in. I plan to rectify this problem through interviews, private journaling and gathering pictures and memorabilia from other family members.

Calling all family members to participate in this project! I need pictures, stories about family members and traditions, copies of obituaries, newspaper clippings or anything about our family that you think I can use. Aunt Minnie and Uncle Walter started the Sims/McDaniel/Morris family reunion 20 years ago and now is the time for our generation to do our part and continue the tradition.

Let's not cut off our root, lest we wither and die.

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is, For brothers to dwell together in unity!
Psalm 133:1

This is a picture of Paul Sanders "Sandy" Thompson and myself when I was a baby-- I'm guessing sometime in winter 69 or spring 70. My maternal grandmother kept this picture all these years. When she died, the pictures went to my mother and I saw this for the first time.

It is so nice to have this piece of family history!

Sandy, Tony and Tracie ask Aunt Minnie if she remembers this. Tony and Tracie wasn't even born yet. Aunt Minnie was about 6 months pregnant with Tony at this time.

Finally, please leave a comment. Even if it is just to say hi.
