Monday, April 23, 2007


Moratorium: any authorize delay or stopping of some specified activity.

They say that family is the hardest sale. But I'm not trying to sell you all anything. Anyway, I'm going to stop posting for a while since I'm not getting any feedback from you all.

Maybe after the family reunion, I can get you guys excited about keeping our family alive.

Until then-- be blessed.

Saturday, April 14, 2007


Patriarch: The father and ruler of a family or tribe. . .

William Henry Sims was a man who lived a hard life. He was a womanizer, a drunk, and as mean as a rattlesnake. But when faced with the daunting responsibility of raising 7 children singlehandedly, he didn't run-- like many men have done that were put in his shoes. Instead, he dug down and faced his responsibilities head on. He taught his children to be strong and that duty to family was always first. He did this by example.

He ruled with an iron fist. . .

He loved from a distance. . .

He died as a man who believed in duty to family. . .

WH's legacy lives on today. I, his granddaughter, who was taught by my father, his son-- that duty to family always comes first have devotedly held on to those beliefs.

Family first.

Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee.
Genesis 17:5

I'm so happy that we are keeping his memory alive! Many of us never met him and only have heard stories about him. I don't have a picture yet (Whoever has one, please send or email me a copy), but I do have this-- which I see as a part of him.

You can see his parents names and his signature at the bottom. He signed it in 1936, over 70 years ago. Wow! That's so amazing to me.

Oh how I love history!

I hope you guys get on the band wagon with me.

  • Tracie-- why haven't I heard from you?
  • Jack-- I know I should be hearing from you.
  • Brian-- you are not off the hook either.

Let's keep his legacy alive and the family together.

Remember WH? "Duty to family."

Have a blessed week.

Next week I will post what I know about Virginia McDaniel. Any info that you all have, please share. Thanks!

Sunday, April 8, 2007


Tradition: a long established custom or practice that has the effect of an unwritten law. . . handed down through the generations.

Every since I can remember Easter Sunday in my family was about dying and decorating eggs and going to church in our Sunday's best to commemorate Jesus Christ's resurrection.

Here's to keeping family tradition alive!

The king gave this order to all the people: "Celebrate the Passover to the LORD your God, as it is written in this Book of the Covenant."
2 Kings 23:21

No pictures today-- just remembering that Christ is risen.

Praise the Lord!

P.S. Beginning today, I will post once a week on Sunday.


Friday, April 6, 2007


Family: a group of people related by ancestry or marriage; relatives.

Today I received my Family Reunion pack from Uncle Walter. I am soooo excited and can't wait to see folks I haven't seen in years.

I'm really looking forward to our visit to the Civil Rights Museum. When I first visited Birmingham as an adult-- Uncle Walter and his family treated me with the best southern hospitality and took me to visit the Civil Rights Museum. I wonder if he remembers that...

Immediately I fell in love with my Alabama family because of the love they gave me right then and there. They hadn't seen me since I was a girl, but they treated me like they'd known me all of my life.

That's the beauty of family. The saying is so true " Blood is thicker than water".

I look forward to seeing my blood this summer.

Now then, please swear to me by the LORD that you will show kindness to my family, because I have shown kindness to you...
Joshua 2:12

More about my family branch. I just can't get off those boys (William and Yashar). They always amaze me with thier adventurous spirits. Today I had to pull out the camera yet again because I caught them... Well you look and see.

Boys will be boys...

Wishing everyone a blessed and Happy Easter!

Blessings, Adriann

Tuesday, April 3, 2007


Unity: the quality of being one in spirit, sentiment, purpose, etc.; harmony, agreement, concord, uniformity.

How are the SMM's of one spirit? Do we have a family goal or mission? Do we have the same sentiment on family?

Let a sista know what' s going on. . . Do you hear me?

And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.
Colossians 3:14

My love of family and genealogy has led me to scrapbooking. I have become quite an addict. Today I wanted
to share my latest layout. I hope you all enjoy looking at it.

I took this picture of William last summer. I just love his smile on this picture and had to do a layout. I'm embarrassed to say, but I have become an all out addict to scrapbooking.

It is relaxing and most importantly-- I am preserving memories for William for many years to come.

I plan to have a complete heritage album filled with pictures of the many branches of the SMM clan. So please support me in my efforts of preserving our family history.

Participate on this blog or email me personally with pictures or with stories
about family tradition. And don't forget to pass this along to other family members.


Sunday, April 1, 2007


Heritage: something handed down from one's ancestors or the past, as a characteristic, a culture, tradition, etc.

The Sims/McDaniel/Morris family comes from a rich southern heritage. Most Sims/McDaniel/Morris' (SMM's) were born in Alabama. But did you know that William Henry Sims-- our grandfather was born in a small town in Georgia? Yes that's right, he was born in Richland, Georgia .

Richland is about a two and a half hour drive from Birmingham, Alabama. How he ended up in Birmingham and marrying our Grandmother I don't know. I wish I can make the connection somehow.

Any oral history someone can share? I heard that Granddaddy was running from the clan,which is why he left Georgia.

What have you heard?

Let's share and tie the threads together so that we can hand down our heritage to the next generation.

No longer will you be called Abram; your name will be Abraham, for I have made you a father of many nations. I will make you very fruitful; I will make nations of you, and kings will come from you. I will establish my covenant as an everlasting covenant between me and you and your descendants after you for the generations to come, to be your God and the God of your descendants after you.
Genesis 17: 5-7

This is a picture I took in Columbus, Mississippi. I love the greenery of the south. I wanted to share this picture because I feel like it's a good statement about where our family is right now. The light has a green arrow pointing to the left, but the road is green and paved straight ahead.

Which way will you go in preserving your heritage?

To the left or the right?

Update: William and Yashar's caterpillar didn't make it 24 hours. "My Pet" died a tragic death when a 4 year old neighbor who doesn't appreciate life as much as the boys, got ahold of the jar and smashed it on the ground.

They were so excited about their find yesterday that they woke up early, dressed and went outside to give "My Pet" some fresh food. They never imagined a 4 year old that has "issues" with caterpillars or any living creature would have a moment and kill "My Pet". I'll explain the "issues" in another post about raising our children. Our we raising them in a village or with wolves?

They were visibly upset-- but were soon over it getting into something else. Children are so resilient. They bounce right back without skipping a beat.